December 5 2018

You No Longer Have to be a Hardware Company to Bring Hardware to Bear

At its core, ActionStreamer is a data transmission company, but hardware is a very important aspect of what we do — without it, we’d have nothing to run our patented software on. While streaming is our core competency, it’s no longer necessary to be a hardware company to bring hardware solutions to market, thanks to the use of digital design and additive manufacturing. We’ve used these techniques and tools to speed up our processes and complete tasks that would’ve taken much longer just a […]

August 1 2018

Tech-infused engagement

Your attention is a precious commodity. The transition to a digital-first, mobile-first world has taken place almost in the blink of an eye and you now hold the keys to pretty much every element of subsistence and gratification — health, fitness, finance, shopping, entertainment, news, sports, business, communication, social interaction — in the palm of your hand. Literally.

For companies fighting for your mindshare, the result has become a never-ending race to navigate that wonderfully rich yet immensely fragmented [...]

April 4 2018

Don't Just Watch. Immerse

There was a time not long ago when the intersection of sports and tech pretty much began and ended at floor seats for Warriors games. No longer.

Indeed, in the five years during which Golden State has built an NBA dynasty and changed the way the game is played, the consumption of American sports as a whole has undergone a sea change — one that has seen the leagues and networks, in concert with technology companies worldwide [...]

February 28 2018

How Do You Consume Sports?

If your response includes terms like “streaming”, “mobile”, “video games”, “highlights”, “viral videos”, or simply, “uh, on my Facebook news feed and Snapchat & Instagram stories”, you’re going to be pumped to learn (or re-learn) what we’re doing at ActionStreamer. Check it out.

Our core vision was hatched in the middle of the action, in the defensive backfield of the NFL. As fans, gamers, & recreational athletes, we may [...]